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How to Keep Pets Hydrated During Summer

July 03, 2023

By pawTree Home Office


When we think of pet nutrition, we usually think of food. But water is an equally important part of keeping our fur babies healthy! Water plays a role in joint lubrication, organ health, and absorption of nutrients from food.

As summer rolls around with hotter days and more walks in the park, keeping your pet hydrated gets more and more challenging. When temperatures increase, your fur baby cools themselves off by panting or sweating. While this is totally natural, it’s important to replace those fluids to keep your fur baby healthy.

Here’s everything you need to know to prevent dehydration in your furry companion this summer … so you can enjoy sunny walks in the park all season long!

How Much Water Should My Dog Or Cat Be Drinking?

Adult dogs should be drinking approximately one ounce of water per pound of their body weight, per day. Keep in mind that puppies will need more water than this.

Cats, on the other hand, should drink about 4 ounces per 5 pounds of body weight, per day. Cats who eat wet food may need less water as compared to those who eat kibble.

Remember, heat is a big factor in how much water your fur baby should drink! The hotter it is, the more water your pet may need.

How Can I Tell If My Pet Is Dehydrated?

If your fur baby is happy and acting normally, they’re probably appropriately hydrated. If they exhibit any of the following symptoms, they might be dehydrated.

  • Lethargy or weakness
  • Dry, sticky gums
  • Dry nose
  • Excessive panting
  • Eyes that are sunken into their sockets

If you’re worried your fur baby might be dehydrated, offer your pet water and consult your vet immediately.

3 Tips to Keep Your Pet Hydrated

So how do you keep your pets healthy and hydrated in the summer heat? Here are 4 tips to prevent dehydration in pets.

1. Switch From Bowls To Fountains

Many pets prefer running water to stagnant water. It’s a preference passed down from their ancestors who understood that running water was safer to drink. If your fur baby seems apathetic about their water bowl, try switching to a fountain! They might be inclined to drink more water if they think it’s fresher.

2. Offer Them A Frozen Treat

A “pupsicle” is a delicious rehydrating solution for dogs — and cats. If your pet is exposed to high temperatures, offer your pet an ice cube! You can even add a bit of bone broth or other pawPairings® Superfood Seasonings to the ice cubes to make them a special treat.

Pet parent tip: Make sure your pet can’t choke on the ice cubes! The ice should be small enough that there’s no risk of choking if swallowed whole. We also recommend checking with your pet dentist to be sure your pet’s teeth can handle the ice.

Chicken Bone Broth

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Healing Shea
Butter Balm

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pawPairings Chicken Bone Broth

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Healing Shea Butter Balm

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3. Keep Paws And Nose Hydrated With Butter Balm

Hydration affects all types of health — including skin and paw health. Hydrating butters are purrfect for dehydrated noses and dry or cracked paws. The right butter balm can provide relief by hydrating, moisturizing and healing damaged skin cells.

pawTree’s healing shea butter balm is our personal favorite. We recommend applying generously after walks, runs and playdates!

Whatever the weather, we just want our fur babies to be healthy and happy! Hydration is a big component of our wet-nosed companion’s wellbeing. Try a few of these tips to help your pet enjoy their summer in good health.

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